ACal: Free Download

Academic Calendar

Download the software

Try or buy?

You can download the software and use it to evaluate whether it meets you needs. In evaluation mode most of the functions of the program work in full but there will be a limit to the number of appointments you can create in Outlook.


The current version of Academic Calendar, or ACal for short, is

Download and install Academic Calendar

To see what is new in this version go to Version History

From version ACal will use version 4.5.1 of the .NET Framework. This is currently available on most modern computers. If necessary you can download it form here.

If you have problem go to Troubleshooting

Let us know what you think

All feedback is extremely helpful. Please use the Feedback button on the ACal ribbon to let us know what you think and the Feature request button to log your suggestions.

Network Managers

The main Download button at the top of this page downloads and runs a small pre-installer program (a re-named setup.exe) which sets permissions then downloads and runs the MSI file.

This will not be appropriate in some network situations so a separate version of the pre-installed is provided which expects to find the MSI in the same location as itself rather than at a web URL.

Download and save Pre-installer for local msi and ACal4Setup.msi to the same location then run ACal4SetupPreInstallerForLocalMSI.

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Crystal Reports 64 bit runtime